Hi! I’m Alyson and I’m pretty glad you’ve come to visit my site and check out a bit more about me. As I mentioned in my introductory post, I’ve been thinking about what type of presence I want to have on the web, and if I were to blog – what would I possibly talk about?
I’ve had many domain names since I began tinkering with HTML, Geocities, and my brief interlude with the font Redensek. I’ve had my account suspended for hosting my cousin’s band site (original music was apparently not allowed to be distributed via my hosting service, of course), I’ve created my own RSVP form for my 30th birthday, and I also almost completely forgot about some blogging I did while in library school (except when you google my name, you find the click back links to said blog which is now no more…umm, sorry SLA.)
This leads me to the now. I have my MLIS, I work in data, I just got done climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and as of March, 2019 I just started a new job for a software company.
I’m working out what’s next for me, but in the interim I hope to share what I’ve learned in the past few years when it comes to being a plus size person who loves to camp, hike, and just spend time outside. You’ll also probably see some mentions of comic books I’m currently into and lots of references to Annabelle the Dog:
If you’ve got questions, want to chat, or just want to say hi — please don’t hesitate to drop me a comment on a blog post, send a message via my contact page, or hit me up on instagram or twitter!